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Smashing the invisible barriers

When we contemplate our financial goals, the journey often seems straightforward until we encounter invisible barriers that keep us from reaching our full potential. These barriers are rarely about the tangibility of money or the complexity of financial markets; more often, they are the intangible hurdles of our own limiting beliefs. The story of Roger Bannister, the first person to run a mile in under four minutes, isn’t just an athletic achievement; it’s a testament to […]

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Coaching and financial planning

Financial well-being is not just about accumulating wealth; it’s about how we approach our finances, understanding our behaviours, and align our actions with our deepest values. This nuanced journey benefits immensely from a coaching mindset that integrates the principles of positive psychology, turning the daunting into the doable, and transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and self-discovery. The bedrock of trust and authenticity lies at the heart of a fruitful coaching-type relationship. This foundation enables a […]

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