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Taking a longer view of your financial planning

It’s a sobering statistic: 70% of wealthy families lose their wealth by the second generation, and 90% lose it by the third. Despite their best efforts to pass on their financial assets, many high-net-worth individuals see their family’s wealth dissipate within a few short generations. The reason for this is often not a lack of financial planning, but a lack of intergenerational wealth planning. While traditional financial planning focuses on accumulating and preserving wealth during an […]

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The freedom to live life on your terms

Getting caught up in the relentless pursuit of financial success is easy. I speak with clients every day who are trying to work harder, longer, and smarter, often with the singular goal of accumulating more wealth. But what if we took a step back and asked ourselves: what is the true purpose of wealth? At David Hall and Associates, we believe that wealth is not just about the numbers in your bank account or the assets […]

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A practical approach to building generational wealth

When it comes to building generational wealth, there’s no magic formula or overnight success.  The key to achieving lasting financial freedom lies in cultivating and consistently practising principled habits in our daily lives.  By focusing on small, deliberate actions and making them an integral part of our routine, we can create a powerful ripple effect that leads to significant financial results over time. One of the most fundamental habits to develop is regular saving and investing. […]

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Principled Habits: Laying the Foundation for Generational Wealth

Over the last decade or so of working with South African families toward financial success and the creation of generational wealth, we’ve found that the path is meticulously crafted through the consistent application of principled habits.  We often come back to Aristotle’s insight that “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit,” and how it rings especially true in the context of building lasting, intergenerational wealth. It’s the principled […]

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From Income to Identity: How to Build Wealth for Generations

In our journey towards financial freedom, we often find ourselves focused solely on the numbers—how much we earn, save, and invest. Yet, true wealth transcends these figures; it’s about crafting an identity that resonates through generations. It’s about transforming our approach from merely generating income to creating a lasting legacy. I like to try and keep this simple – so when working with our clients to build an intergenerational wealth strategy, we start with understanding the […]

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Passing on Prosperity: Creating Stewards, not Beneficiaries

In a world where the future often feels uncertain, one of the most powerful gifts we can give our families is the assurance of financial security—not just for ourselves, but for generations to come. We can help you set up a plan that will sustain you throughout your life, allowing you to live off your income and barely touch your capital. This way, your capital becomes more than just a sum of money; it transforms into […]

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Making Work Optional: The Secret to Living Off Passive Income

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could choose when to work and when to play? I often say to my clients: Imagine having the freedom to tee off on a lush golf course on a Monday morning while others are navigating their way through rush hour traffic. It doesn’t have to be a golf course; it can be the ideal Monday morning that you choose for yourself once you know that you can choose it! This […]

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Integrated Financial Planning: Your route to time and money Freedom

You’ve probably heard the old saying, “Time is money,” but have you ever considered that managing your money well can also give you more time?  That’s where integrated financial planning comes in. With every family we work with, we explore how an integrated approach to financial planning doesn’t just pad out your expense account but also frees up your time. This dual freedom is essential for building intergenerational wealth. Integrated financial planning is not just about […]

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Finding the healthy, sustainable balance

For many people, the equation of wealth creation has a straightforward formula: work more to earn more. This notion is amplified by a hustle culture that promotes perpetual busyness as a badge of honour. But let’s pause and ask, at what cost does this single-minded focus come?  The truth is, life isn’t a 100-meter dash where you sprint to the finish line; it’s more like a long, complex marathon with twists, turns, and scenic overlooks you […]

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Is it about money or time?

When speaking to my clients about a healthy, sustainable strategy to build intergenerational wealth, it begins by going on a journey of redefining wealth. Most of us have been conditioned to define wealth strictly in terms of financial assets—stocks, bonds, real estate, and cold hard cash. But what if this definition is missing the mark? What if a fundamental building stone in creating generational wealth isn’t just money, but time?  This is a conversation that requires […]

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