Integrated Planning

Every decision you make will change your future. Let us help you make it the best one possible by cultivating better habits.

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Pretoria Office: 012 346 9669
Secunda Office: 017 634 9540 / 2 / 3
Cell: 083 656 4143

What does wealthy mean to you?

The foundations of your integrated financial plan depend on what wealthy means to you. What would you like your future to look like, what changes are you willing to make to have the life that you really want? Often we only ask ourselves these tough questions when we encounter a crisis.

Our team at David Hall and Associates helps you ask these questions before a crisis hits. We believe that a better future doesn’t simply happen or fall into place; we have to plan for it. And, it all begins with your definition of wealthy.

Helping you protect that which you value most.

Change begins when we’re willing to look at our rituals and talk about the things that are truly important. Whilst income creates a lifestyle, it’s habits that create wealth.

This is how we help you do great things with your life and ultimately build a life that fits your understanding of wealthy. When you begin to get more life out of your money, you can build a life where work is optional.

Can work be optional?

There’s a moment before the ball drops. It’s as if life takes a breath in perfect harmony with our own. It’s a brief moment that we seem to remember easily, because it’s that moment we realize that everything is about to change.

It’s hard to find that breath when we’re expected to be reachable at all times and hustle around the clock. But is this the life you really want? What if you could take a breath, choose to do the things you love most, and stop living a life that you feel someone else chose for you? Could you see work as optional?

It’s about investing in a lifestyle, not assets.

Traditional financial planning focussed on the accumulation of assets. We’ve found that this conversation too easily becomes disconnected from the life we’re trying to live and lead everyday.

This focus entrenches you in the the rat race of paying bills and supporting a lifestyle that may not fit your definition of wealthy. Do you want to be part of the 5% who are financially free? All you need is to make that decision and create new habits.

We have developed a programme that will equip you to develop new habits and empower you to make new choices that help you be more present to building the life and the future that you want. And - you can equip your kids too.

What are you teaching your kids?

It’s not just about the lessons we learn, it’s also about the lessons we teach our kids. Our choices, our actions and our words are the building blocks of both our identity and our legacy. When we are able to see work as optional, we’re able to be aware of the people around us; we’re able to make time for them.

Building an income through passive incomes or annuities is one way to regain control over your time. You get to decide - you have freedom of choice; something we long to tell our kids.

Create a lasting legacy.

Where are you putting your effort? What is the goal of putting in that effort? Will you regret not planning better?

Many professionals spend so much time at work that they don’t have enough time to create a lasting legacy with their families. We can’t replace human engagement - so let us help you build a plan that won’t expect you to; an integrated financial plan that will keep you where you choose to be.

Is it about income or identity?

Are you working for an income, or working for an identity? This question brings us back to where we started: the foundations of your integrated financial plan depend on what wealthy means to you. If the focus is on an income, then the focus is no longer on you and your definition of wealthy.

This is when work truly becomes optional, and is no longer mandatory. It’s not to say that you don’t have to work, rather, it’s to say that your work is now part of your choice inside of your integrated financial plan. It’s part of your identity, but not your full identity. This is how you get more out of life.

Beginning to see the fruits of change.

Living a life that is based on principled, great habits, empowers you to see the fruits of the changes that you’ve chosen to make.

This could include a solid early retirement financial plan, accurately accounting for future expenses and no longer living month-to-month, having more time with your family, fast-saving strategies without penny-pinching, or establishing an integrated financial plan that is bulletproof, fully  able to withstand economic downturns.

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hear it from our clients

Namens Oosterland se Skoolhoof Me E Botes en personeel wil ons u bedank vir die wyse waarop u ons skool ondersteun. Baie dankie vir die spreker Mnr Spies wat deur u gereël was. Ieder en elk was baie beindruk tydens toespraak met personeel asook tydens die saalbyeenkoms. Dit is ‘n groot motivering vir ons leerders. Die personeel en leerders kan hul toerus met lewenskwaliteite na aanleiding van die toesprake deur Mnr Spies. Dit is mense soos u wat vooruitgang makliker maak en ons trots laat voel om deel van Hoërskool Oosterland te wees.


Tinkie Kruger

Hoërskool Oosterland

I have been a client of yours for the past 16 years and would like to take this opportunity of thanking all of you for the excellent service that I have received.

During the past two months in particular, staff members have gone above and beyond their duties to assist me with the Old Mutual Trust and the sale of my house in Midstream. Even when it was not part of their duties, they went out of their way to assist me in every aspect. They followed up on phone calls, they were always friendly and helpful and never failed to provide me with feedback.

I request that this level of service excellence received from this firm be brought to the attention of Old Mutual and furthermore that they are a valuable asset to the company. I feel privileged indeed to be one of their clients over many years.

With sincere gratitude to David and Staff.

May God bless you all!

The one thing I value most about our relationship is your friendliness and dedication.

I want to thank you that you are always friendly, obliging and always available to attend to us.

Thank you

Dr Abed

The one thing I value most about our relationship is that you and your team is always available to assist or advise.  You are knowledgeable and experienced in your field.

I want to thank you for your friendliness and that I can anytime approach you.

Thank you

Mr Kerst

The one thing I value most about our relationship is that you always do the right thing. You are accountable and always takes responsibility for your actions and your associates and organization that supports you.
Thank you for looking after my family ‘s needs for a long time now, and I trust your integrity and authenticity.

Mr Nell

Ek wil jou graag bedank dat jy altyd beskikbaar is en bereid om te help op jou gebied.
Jy is ‘n absolute kenner in ju gebied en daarom is jy ‘n Top 25 adviseur van Ou Mutual.


Dr Pelser

Let us help you get more life out of your money.

David Hall

Certified Financial Planner

Contact us

Pretoria Office: 012 346 9669
Secunda Office: 017 634 9540 / 2 / 3
Cell: 083 656 4143

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